Minutes for Oct 18, 2022 POA Meeting

All board members present and 8 property owners.

The meeting was held at Christian Family Baptist Church at 1589 Grosenbacher Rd. and was called to order at 7:35 p.m.

Introductions of the board members was done.

Read and approve minutes from the April 19, 2022 meeting
Minutes approved unanimously

Read and approve Treasurer’s report
Treasurer’s report approved unanimously
A question was answered in regards to how we had obtained the current assets; they were awarded from a civil law suit.

New Business

  1. Deed Restrictions
    a. Brief review
    • Discussed the current covenants and some of the major violations of them that are occurring. It was brought to attention that we need to look towards the future because if these violations are not brought under control, it will get worse before better. New members asked what they liked about Coolcrest: quiet neighborhood, bigger lots, no HOA.
    b. Item #14 amended reminder
    • In 1999 the covenants were continued in perpetuity; on file with the county and on our website
    c. Discuss possible amendments
    • Allowing certain types of businesses that do not cause excessive traffic, noise, pollution, etc. Changing setback requirements to possibly 25 ft instead of 50. Adding/removing certain items in regards to animal issues. Will look into forming a task force for this item.
    d. Upcoming enforcement efforts
    • Links to various enforcement agencies are listed on social media pages and our website. A list of violations will be sent to the MPA. Discussed speaking with the Board of Realtors to remind them and provide the covenants. It seems that since we are POA vs HOA there may be confusion about us having restrictions. Possibly try to find a list of homes bought recently in Coolcrest to provide the new owners with the covenants. Contacting the law enforcement agencies about the many oversized vehicles being stored/parked/driven thru our subdivision on a daily basis.
  2. “The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia” Coolcrest
    a. Current average cost to Coolcrest
    • $52 for the 4 lights along Silver Maple. The county will replace the bulbs when the need it.
    b. Future funding needed – ideas
    • Gabe (president) suggested that we approach the county to install more lights and pay for them monthly. Rebecca Flores, County Commissioner, will be attending our next meeting.
    • Richard (sgt at arms) suggested asking people to adopt a light
    • Member suggested sending letters to property owners asking for donations. Linda (treasurer) stated that letters had been sent in the past with not much response. Then same member suggested asking the businesses along Potranco, who are in our subdivision, for contributions. Gabe will send a letter to them.
    • Member stated that if all property owners would chip in $5 a year, it would cover the cost and enable the subdivision to have funds for other needs.
    • Sonya(secretary) will put requests on social media.
    • A raffle was suggested but we are unable to because we are not a 501c group.
  3. The Silver Maple Speedway
    a. Review historic attempts at adding 4 way stop signs
    • Gabe stated that things change from the past. Since we have a new county commissioner, it is a good idea to ask again for a new study. The last ones were done in 2014 and 2016.
    b. Review historic attempts for county to install speed bumps
    • After a study was conducted several years ago, it was determined that we do not qualify because we need sidewalks, which we are unable to get.
    • Sonya had researched current process/information to get speed bumps. The POA now is responsible to pay for them, which costs around $11,000 for a pair. The county would maintain thereafter.
    c. Discuss enforcement
    • It was suggested that we call precinct 1 for more patrol. More signage was suggested, but response was that people ignore the ones we have already.
  4. Social Media
    a. Facebook
    • New group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/607712647537284/
    b. Nextdoor App
    • New group on Nextdoor App
    Gabe asked Sonya to send an email to property owners notifying them of these groups
  5. Subdivision Discount on Trash Service
    a. Any interest in pursuing
    • Sonya will provide a list of providers and their numbers and Gabe will call to see what they have to offer.

Open Forum
• Neighborhood Watch was brought up. It was a long time ago, but the light bill is under Coolcrest Crime Watch name. Sonya will call to check status and how to get it going again, possibly.
• Gabe reminded us that early votingfor the November 8th election begins on the 24th. This church will be a polling site for early election.

Next Meeting: January 16, 2023 Election of the POA Officers
• Richard announced the upcoming board member election. It was asked how one runs and answered that they must be nominated with a 2nd nomination to be put on the ballot. It is encouraged for property owners to get involved.

• Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

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