Minutes from March 18, 2014 Meeting

Meeting was held at the Christian Family Baptist Church and was called to order at 7:28 PM by President Richard Garza.

Minutes from January 14, 2014 meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s report was read and approved.

Old Business

Potranco Rd. Expansion: Due to expansion of 1604 from Culebra to Potranco, the intersection must be re-designed so project is delayed until Nov., 2014.

Lot at 12153 Poinciana:  County is referring the case to Justice of Peace Court for a hearing regarding the dumping of rocks, etc on the lot.  Hopefully they will have a court date in the next 30 days.

Water Rate Hike:  As of Feb 25, 2014, TCEQ has a total of 695 protests which is more than double what is needed.  It will probably be this summer before there is a hearing before the State Office of Administrative Hearings.

Multi-stop Intersection Request: Mr. Franz with the county did a traffic study and there is not sufficient traffic (800 cars in an 8 hr period) to warrant a multi-stop intersection.  They have installed 2 new signs on Silver Maple alerting drivers to “School Bus Stop Ahead”.  There are 350 cars one way (700 roundtrip) coming from Amhurst through our subdivision.  He is checking into posting “No Thru Traffic” signs.

Food Bank Distribution:  It was very successful and the POA had 4 volunteers (Angie, Albert, Eldon & Linda) who helped out. There will be another Food Bank Distribution April 18 from 1 – 4 PM.  Volunteers needed and Pastor Rob provided a sign up sheet.

Flea Market Dates:  Construction on front parking area at Potranco Automotive is still going on so April date is not possible. May 10, Jun 14, Sep 6 and Oct 4 should be good dates.  Richard explained that the money is used to maintain the street lights.  Mr.& Mrs. Guillaudeu asked about getting a light at Manzanita & Grapevine.  Richard explained that the cost was too much – $800 if there was an existing pole and substantially more if a new pole needed. Personal lights are cheaper.  Linda will get the Guillaudeu’s the phone number of the man at CPS who handles the lights.

Entrance Sign Repair:  Steven Patillo’s friend keeps the cutting saw at a job site.  Richard & Albert are willing to go pick it up if we can borrow it.  Linda will check this out.

New Business

Attorney:  Contract with Attorney Weber was terminated and we signed a contract with Allen, Stein & Durbin.

Fireworks Stand Request:  A letter from John Dilbeck, Real Estate manager for Alamo Fireworks was read.  They want permission to operate a fireworks stand at the lot on the corner of Potranco & Silver Maple.  Sharon brought up that a prior request had been made years ago and the vote taken then was that the POA would never allow fireworks to be sold within the subdivision.  It was decided that that decision would be upheld.  Linda will send a letter to Mr. Dilbeck with our decision.

Certificates of Appreciation and gift cards were presented to Betty Mize for 17 years as Treasurer and Tracy Pickering as President for 2013.

Open Forum

No discussion

The next meeting will be May 13, 2014.

Meeting adjourned at 8:07 PM


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